Monday, November 22, 2010

Hello there..:)

hey just a quick buzz in to let everyone over here know that i'm alive and kicking over there...:)))
yeahh...Pilled up with work, credits and exams....
God Bless...
Life is goodd...:)))

Friday, September 3, 2010

This is where i stand NOW..


I'm back to normal...not that i was ever normal...more like back to being mee....:)))yeyyiii
lets say i'm back to being the extra-ordinarily normal meeee...:D

sooo studies are coming back to me...and i'm having fun..wasting less time...and i take time to play and also talk to people more often...sooo yeah...i'm getting back on-track...not really there....but i know i'm getting there....

1 more week for my friends to come back...and i survived two LONGGGG..months without them around..i guess this wasteful vacation did make me realize how much i love working and studying and the whole exhausted feeling of being buried in studies...i like it in a totally normal way...:P

sooo is going easy...except....some stuff...:))

well lets see...this is what it is...Where i stand...

1st year Med student...doing well sooo far...looking all good...:)))
Torn away from my awesome friends who loved me to death and who practically was around me to help me out of all the crazy things i get into...the type of friends who finishes your sentences for you..and who were just a text away...
And sometimes it's hard to keep in touch with them...i dont blame them...but life sure is crazy....

It sometimes blindly throws you out..and you have to sort of start all over again..
It's kind of fun you know...building up your own identity...and all...

Then life i guess is also trying to make me realize that i have to step out of my comfort zone...the friends who knew me...well enough to help me out even without asking....because i feel really uncomfortable asking people for help...but i'm always ready to help anyone else...

Sooo life is playing this cruel trick on me...asking me to open up and make close friends like i used to have...and to live life with them...sooo i'm going to do that...hopefully...

Because i guess it's time to change a little bit..change is a good thing sometimes...:)))

And then i have to realize certain things about this KIDS issue...
I have to confide in a girlfriend...because sometimes boys dont think like girls...and girls think a lot right...soo I've decided to open up to someone...who can probably help me out with the different stuff i stumble upon...

who said life and Love is easy right...

And i kind of hinted to my mum....about the KID...and so did he to his parents...:S

My Mum...likes the KID a lot...BUT ...the age...she was concerned,,,she said that since i'm the elder one it's going to be really difficult for me later in think about it a lot...her exact words were..."Putha think about it ...i dont want you to get hurt...people will cause problems for you..laugh at you...and since it's a TWO year gap i dont think his parents will like it..."
:(((( i dont know...
she also said..."Putha he is a nice boy..i like him a lot...i wish he was your age or elder..i really do...but think about it...before you do something.."

Usually when a mum says think about means they are scared for you..and that they want to protect they dont like it...:((she said she was sad that the KID is so much younger to me...

The KIDS's Parents...."She is a lovely girl...only if she was younger.."

Big i still didn't tell the kid how hurt i am of this...since he is all psyched up about coming back to see mee.after not being around for 2 months...

This is where i stand???
what do i doo???
What do i say????

All i know is...i like my life right now...and i have realized the meaning of ..

"Dont let yourself go...everybody cries...and everybody hurts..."

So...i'm blank right now..i mean...i'm just gonna live life...and really live it...enjoy matter what...time lost cannot be taken back...

And People are the most can relive the memories that you treasure the most...sooo i'm going to make more memories...loads of them...

KID and ME..i really dont know...may be i will talk to him...and see..what we can do...:(((
it's just one side of life...

what do you think???
Big hugs to all...i guess we all hit the rough bottom sometimes...this is to all those times...
God Bless...

Sunday, August 29, 2010

This is not me... :S

I have been rudely ignoring you all...because i have been out and busy...not the type of busy-ness where you are working sooo hard on some humanitarian project...or... definitely NOT studying....

Well i have been up and about....i have been out a lot...on movie nights, sleep overs, badminton tournaments...and even tried my hand at basketball...hehehe...yeah..i have been all school girly the past few weeks trying to spend the final weeks of my summer vacation..or rather the only vacation i might get for the next 5 years of my life....more simply and with the little things...

I realized that sometimes to have the best times of my life i do not need money or fancy long trips that needs extensive planning...All i need is a healthy dose of humor...a nicee bunch of friends who are willing to have a good time and activities...which may vary from cooking naan for dinner to playing basketball..or watching horror movies back to back till dawn...:)))

Yes i absolutely agree with the person who said that the best things in life are free.....:)))

And there is more..This is definitely not me...i'm a PERFECTIONIST...yes in Capitals...I even have my life plans blocked out as 5 year plans so that i know clearly where i want to be exactly in a given period of time...
And i do not waste this..The normal me would be preparing for my next semester now..and reading all the study material ....or more like that is, what i know i should be doing...

And right's late and i'm not falling asleep...which is also weird...:)

And i'm thinking...i guess women do think a lot...but i think A LOT...and more deeply...

I'm thinking...i started my dream career by entering uni...but can i afford to complete it???...mum says she will somehow....
can i afford to pay myself on studying PG later...
Where will i be...will i be able to write PLAB,USMLE...can i afford it???

What about all the plans i made about taking care of my mum one day...when will i ever get there..

And i think time is running too fast...i mean i'm OLD...:(..i just started uni and my friends are graduating next year....soooo yes they did Londons....but yet....

And This is not me because i do not think like this...I think positive....
I am this strong willed..iron strong...confident person...
I was never weak or vulnerable like this....


And alsoo...i'm fallen for the A LOT...and it's confusing..because i have never let anyone in to my life like this...I am a very closed up person...
and i kinda mess up a lot of things between the KID and me...because of my stupid mouth and my ignorance...

I was Miss-know-it-all....Goody-two-shoes...i was not supposed to be dating a guy two years younger to me...and wasting my time...
I should have my priorities set right...
Ok sooo may be i'm like totally fallen for him and nothing matters when it comes to him...i only wish he was around...and not like a many thousands of miles away...he would know to make me feel better....

Right now...i do not know..why i'm not falling asleep....
Is it because....i need to know that the KID still loves me...for the Stupid person i'm turning out to be...(I am this Perfect person....)
Is it because i am seriously concerned about my future and the word Money that is determinedly trying to dash my dreams and expectations...
Is it because i'm completely going insane...

But all in all...after writing this i feel a bit better...

I have been through Hell to get yeah I'm not gonna break down now...
i will be fine..i will be back to the normal me...
The crazy-love-hungry-perfectionist....this is just a phase...
I will have a nicee chat with my mum and the KID..
AND i will know that people love me like i love them...and that the world is indeed not such a bad place after all....

Love me people...:)))coz i sure do love you all..
Gone totally insane...but still smiling..
God Bless..

Saturday, August 14, 2010

This is the Song...for mee..for the day...gets you thinking...

I want to be a Billionaire...:D


Lets say that some people have various ways of letting off their steam..some just meditate..(boring..for me...cant sit in one place...never could..:P..)some take up Yoga..(Still cannot...not the flexible kind..)..Some do intense training..(Like my knuckles too much)..some watch Movies..(I doo sometimes)..Some eat chocolate and ice cream..(Love doing this..main whole week you have to watch out your food...because you put-on and it's no fun,,) AND some Go Shopping...(My favorite as well as a favorite of a real close friend of mine...*you know who you are...wink..wink..)

Well and as you know..since i have time to kill...and the determination to see the country as much as possible during the holidays...we went off to a shopping district...LILO..
Main purpose...Buy my friends winter jackets..

Four girls along with one guy...poor fellow..he was just too bored to stay at home so opted to come with us..i guess he just didn't know what he bargained for..

The boy was given the responsibility in finding the Metro and bus apparently this place is like an hours travelling out of the city...and we heard that the place is BIG and that you can get anything there...for quite a cheap price...
Yes the magic word..Cheap...:))))
and why did i goo???because i needed to take my steam off....a pair of simple Polaroid shades..:))..innocent right???

The big question..why buy winter jackets in the middle of the blood boiling skin burning heat...because...during the season the clothes are way too expensive....way to expensive to fit in to the limited budget of a parent funded med student...:(((
So we compromise to give our parents a break and try to make know what i mean right..

So we meet up at 9am at the metro roomie and i had rice for breakfast because we knew that we might need all the energy in the world...:))
The boy was on time...but he was too lazy to cook and was starving..
The other two..same story..

We ask the boy directions..
He said, we need to take the metro to Wagsal station..get down... change the metro and get into the other one and head to Isani..and then take a MachuteCar..(Mini-bus...kind of like get in Georgia for reasonably short distance travelling out of main cities)..But as usual..he didn't know the number...or to which direction we should go..left or right...hehehe...typical...why did we ask a boy to get directions...and since every board and bus direction plate were written ONLY in felt awesome...hehehe..

Anyway..we set off...went to Isani out..everyone...was wishing so badly for a Saiwar kade...or a kottu joint...and my tummy was practically Screaming for hoppers or string hoppers with kiri hodi and we take Sri Lankan food for granted...

But instead had to go to a cafe..and eat yucky Shawarma..i mean it's not bad...but that's all this country has got for you know on the go food..and we have eaten our share of it..and is kind of really sick of it...

and we headed off...asking everyone on the way in sign language...the number to go to LILO...thats the name of the trade city..and finally got in to number 236..:)))

And these tiny things go super fast...i'm sure we were doing around 90 to 100 Kph...AND it was coool...we went along the way spent 80 Tetri...(Currency here...Amounts to just..0.43 USD..) and arrived safe..and

It was like a place around 5 times of Pettah..the amount we saw...and when you enter the by figure it's this HUGE MAZE of absolute bliss for a shopoholic like me...or for any girl..
The Clothes...
The Shoes...
The Tincklets...
The Boots...
The everything..

So we shopped..more like window shopped...stopping here...stopping there...touching something...going to buy something..then being fiercely pulled away from something..pointing and walking...

The Clothes..beautiful...i need to come up with a better word..tiny pink shorts to gorgeous sun dresses to amazing tube evening gowns to chic skinny jeans...there were countless times when my friends had to come back looking for me...because i was day dreaming in front of some a shop..:))))hehehe..

The shoes...cuee bubblegum colored canvasses...lovely sleek heels..and then it caught my eyes..SEXY BOOTS...ohh yes...i said it...they were awesome..and i made up my mind..I'm going to let my steam off buying SEXY BOOTS and Shades..

Since i anyway needed a pair for winter..i thought you know...may be it's for future use..and tempted the other ladies into eying the boots..and it the utter dismay of the tired worn out boy...who has been walking around with us for over three hours wondering why on earth we have not yet bought
How can you decide when you are in this breath taking place full of material beauty and temptation that God and Buddha warned us about..hehehe...Boys never get it anyway..:P

Found Jackets...But they were way beyond our budget..they were like 300Lari to 600 Lari around (200 USD to 500 USD)..way out...

Sad heartedly we gave up..knowing that after 5 hours of walking through this maze ...that it was useless....but i was restless...i needed to let my steam off..and plus the girls had to buy the winter jackets...

Soo we headed off in another bumpy but high speed 1.20 Lari ride back to Wagsal...square..a place like Pettah..but not as varied and huge like LILO...

and here we found...

and can you guess it..
Yes i bought..i bought Sexy boots...for 45 Lari...and sent a text to my mum after buying it..hehehe...Because i didn't want to spoil the moment...with my greatest newfound treasure...:)))
and i like the tempting devil made my friends buy boots too...and the spree for Jackets were thus forgotten..

All in all i need to mention that today was one of those rare days i really wanted to be rich..
I was thinking as i glimpsed each item i wanted to buy...what if i had money..not that i dont..but more than enough...just i would have bought a truck load of stuff from LILO... because there were things to buy and to walk away from such a place buying nothing is like shopping suicide...but i guess it teaches us control...spoils us little less...and makes us appreciate life a little bit moreee...

But i almost cried when i walk out on those dresses and shoes....i badly wanted to be a billionaire as shallow as it may seem..we all come across these days...
And i know what exactly this guy was thinking when he thought this song out...

Billionaire...check it out...

God Bless...
Let your steam actually gets you thinking...with a cost..:(((

Thursday, August 5, 2010


The advantages of two of your flat-mates going home for the get TWO beds...clamp it together and you get ONE BIG get an extra pillow...yeeeeyyyyiii..and a whole room to stay in as you wish...:))))

The the middle of the night you miss her snoring..when you get up countless times in the night scolding her to adjust her pillow so that she would stop it...the random talks you have until someone falls asleep.the getting up in the morning together... figuring it's too early and go back to sleep again...the absolute boredom that surrounds you because you have no-one around to bug...:((( has been long since the pals left...the guys and girls...but i'm doing fine...really bored but that dosen't mean i sit here all day ...doing i dooo.

the usual days run like this..
1. wake up at 7am..figure it's too early..sleep till 11am and get up.
2. walk about...brush teeth..drink milk and start cooking lunch. a a book..
4. eat at 5pm. another series...
6.go online..facebook..barn buddy..(yes i actually started playing it coz i have nothing else to doo)
7.dinner at 11. movies and read till like 5am..
9. sleeep...

hehe i knowwww..what a time waster right...but i have promised myself that from tomorrow it's going to be more productive.and i'm going to stick to it..

the productivity schedule..

1.get up at 8am..go jog(need to get all the fatness off)
2.10am read
3.start going through my course work..:(((..have to keep up with studies..
4.cook and eat something
6.go for a walk
7.go through course work buddy..(cant give up now can i??
10.sleep by 2am..hopefully before..

wish me luck..hope i stick to this..

God Bless..

Friday, July 30, 2010

Sweet Partings...!!!

ok...soo let me tell you this..

One semester down..NINE more to go...shooot...thats alot...

but i will get there....these five years might fly by just as this semester flew...right???
sooo no worries...

If you remember how i complained to all saying that the winter and spring was we were freezing to death..

Well WORSE..
i think i know now how i'm going to die...i'm going to die literally..melting...

The temperature here is like between 40 to 45 degrees and it's soon as you open the windows the warmth hits on your face and literally burns your skin...

soo i spend most of my time applying moisturizing lotion.. taking a few baths per day..and applying tonics on my face...coz now my face has begun's bad..i'm scared that i might like get red blotchy patches all over it...My smile is the only talk-able feature i have for myself...*sniff...sniff..

The most funny thing was...the other day one of my friends here in Georgia has updated his facebook status saying..."Stupid heat..i sweat while i bath...and now i sweat while i eat.."...hehehe..thats how bad it is...

This is the time you miss paradise...where everything is evenly balanced...but i heard it's warm out there as well...but still not this bad i suppose...

Well right after exams...We had this awesome celebration...
Where all of us Sri Lankans got together at a nearby park...AND...we bought loads of coke..and chips...ate..and sang baila...and decided to play...

We played Hide and seek in the vast park...
Let me tell you the places i hid..
Beneath Cars...under trees..behind trees..on the grass...under bushes...etc..

Some boys even managed to climb trees...:PPP

The catcher had to touch the person...then the person who is caught becomes an additional catcher...therefore...when Rey and i were hiding under the car with Seu..she got spotted...sooo Rey and i ran out to the road..into an apartment building with around 6 boys trailing after us...and got onto a out on the 6th floor to be caught by two very annoyed boys...hehehe...

sooo it was the end of the day..we all had bruises...i had a cut across my face...where i hit a tree...hehehe..i know..i didn't see the tree in front of was dark..and plus i lost my hair band...

the boys had torn shirts due to their tree climbings ...scraped knees and elbows...

girls had messy hair with grass... scratched palms...knees...and torn jeans...

But it was worth it...we played till 2 am..and decided to head home...

Because the next day...Since Uni vacation started...More than half of them were going home for the LONG TWO MONTH SUMMER HOLIDAYS...

As you can imagine..i was one of the unfortunate few who was going to be left behind..

I know the boys were looking forward to going eat a proper Sri Lankan rice and curry meet up with not do house totally get pampered and all.

The girls wanted a break....a hug from their dad and lovely food...lots of love and family trips...

My clan was going..all of Boys...who always pampered me...took me around...all of them were going home...:(((

The two new girl pals i made..they were going home tooo...:(((

I could have gone home as well...but my mother told me not to come this year...because there are some people who wouldn't like to see me back at home...scary right...:((('s a whole new story...will tell you on another day...

The others i realized couldn't afford the Rs.136,000.00 airfare...:(((life is cruel and unfair...
sooo i will have to wait exacly 15 months to see my mother again...:(((

May be God has a plan...

Soo i spent one sleepless night...wondering how much can change during the next two months...
two of my roommates were leaving soo it was going to be only Me and another girl our apartment..

I mean...We got to know each other...and made these strong bonds of friendships during just 4 and a half months...after 2 months of being apart....will i be a stranger...
stupid right..but then again..i was seriously depressed that night...had a chocolate bar to relieve myself...:)))

In the next afternoon everyone who was to leave and who was saying good byeeee.. assembled at one apartment..we hired a bus to take them all together to the Airport...

All bags were loaded..teary eyed goodbyees were said...:((
most left..back to their own apartments...and I with my roommate..and 3 seniors who were leaving the next day and another boy from our batch stayed back..

The boys requested that we ride with them to the Airport...there was no room...sooo i stayed back..the four boys found places in the bus...
and my friend squished in...
i was thinking may be i should go home...but the Boys made sure i was in the bus..and i had to sit on the lap...hehehe..of the KID...

Saying goodbye was always hard for me...but that ride to the Airport knowing that i wont be seeing these jolly faces for another 60 days hurt a lot...but i'm not a crying person...soo i just enjoyed the good cheer that was inside the hearts of everyone there who knew that they were going to the best place on earth..BACK HOME..

Many times did my friends remind me that they will keep in touch..
not leave me alone...will keep me updated...
Promised me tons of chocolate...which really cheered me up..
and the hugs i got ..the flying kisses from across the bus...which flew to me...made me realize..that may be God is giving me too much love...but i'm definitely not complaining..:)))

The Kid with constant tugs at my hand...secret me in his own way that he is not going to change...but honestly i had my doubts then...:S

At the Air port...we all got down...checked in...sent the luggage and we got to hang around for like half an hour...

This time i honestly wanted to take the KID's ticket...and tear it into million pieces...or steal every one of my friends tickets and run away and hide...

Honestly i almost did it...and then got caught..

Well with warm Squshi huggs..Loving kisses..and long good byees...My boys and girls left ...

They were going home..

But then exactly 60 days they will be back...
That's the silver lining in my dark cloud..:)))

Sooo let the countdown begin...

God Bless...
Smile Alwaysssss..:))

Friday, July 23, 2010

Proud to be back..:)

Hey everyone....i know..i know..
I have disappeared for quite sometime...but i kinda needed the time...out...

I faced my semester-ends...and for that i needed all the energy that i could muster...

I had the most awful yet the most rewarding 3 weeks ever...

Had exams nicely scattered over this period..with at least 2 day breaks between subjects...

Sooo the daily ritual went on like this...GENERALLY..

4 or 3 Days Before the certain subject paper - Wake up at 9 am.. idly find the notes..fill them up and sleep at 9pm.

2 Days before the paper - Finally get worked up...wake up at 7am..catch the 8.00am metro to my friends house.wake them up and study.(a.k.a. cram...:P)
Go home at 7 pm.

1 Day Before the paper...wakes up at 7am..take the 8am metro to the friends place..they are already till 5pm.
Start the group discussion which goes off till around 2am ON EXAMINATION DAY...I know...we always thought to start the discussion early...but we never seem to get to it...coz ...we never finish anything on time..
Boy drops me home..

Exam Day...Wake up...pack the bag...recite the rosary all the way to my seat at the examination hall..

9am written exam starts...

12 noon break...

1pm..oral examination starts...


6pm..uni lobby.... scolds the whole family of the examiner and the person who set the paper...
Comforts friends..
Vows never to cram again...
Grabs something to eat...

7.30pm..text mum with the results...gets appropriate reply..
Usually..a big...What happened to the other .....marks...???:((( a movie...and sleep...

Lol...thats how it went..
sooo i didn't have time to come online...

But all the hard work paid off i guess...


Came in 1st in my class...:)))

And 2nd in the batch...6 marks less than the smart guy who came first and a tie with the KID...:P..

hehehe...sooo all is sunshiny and the word is painted in rainbow colors now....for me.....

Since i have no brothers and sisters to share the good news with...i thought i would bore you guys will all this...
Coz i'm happy as a blue bird and nothing that anyone can say can spoil my mood right now...

Thank you...for my amazing study partners...if it weren't for our discussion sessions and your encouragements i would never have gotten this far...

Thank you for my brand-new 2 girl-pals...Rey and guys are amazing..

Thank you for all of you guys inspired me...

Proud to be back...

loads to tell...
Hope you guys missed me...:PPP
God Bless..

Monday, May 31, 2010

And so i dream...:)

We all have dreams. We all have our fantasies. In a world full of harsh truths and harsh realities it is my escape in to this dream world that keeps me going and makes my hopes and ambitions seem achievable and accomplish-able.

This is a dream which a friend of mine and i dreamed with nothing but innocent intentions, and to us it turned out to be magical.

We dream of achieving ambitions. I a Neuro-surgeon. He a Pediatric-Surgeon. Both to be successful. Both to be the best in the field and both to be respectable and world renowned. And innocently as it may seem we dream of one day being super rich..:)

I want to wear only designer clothes. Go shopping to Paris. Buy myself a Merc. or a BMW SUV. Travel the world, travel business class and dine at the greatest restaurants in the world.

He wants to tailor exclusively. Buy all the techno gadgets. Buy himself a Merc..(professional looking one). Wants to spend money and live luxuriously.

I want to get married one-day...I think...i'm still deciding..:P

He clearly wants to get married at the age between 27yrs to 30yrs. Though he is sure it will have to be his parents choice because he has no belief in falling in Love with a girl like that to get married..:D..weird right???

And we dream together. And at sometimes our dreams collide and we feel comfortable just to let it stay collided and build it along.

We dream of a dream house with Dogs. Hopefully Labs or Golden Retrievers.

We dream of lovely, cute kids. He wants a baby girl like me. I want a baby Boy as adorable, lovable yet naughty like him.

We dream of waking up together in the morning. He first. Morning hug...a kiss..and he volunteers to make the tea and milk while i snuggle up and sleep more...;)

He comes..wakes me up. We drink tea and fall back on the bed to talk.Just talk. To just Hug and watch how nature just miraculously gives light to the world. How each ray of sun reflects on the trees, the flowers, dew drops. How the rays touches his face. How the light shines on my skin. A moment that is truly ours to drink in and enjoy before the rush of a hectic life engulfs us.

The kids run in and jumps on our bed. Demands his attention and mine and so we pour them all our love, drowning them with thousands of hugs and kisses. Teasing them, tickling them and listening to the ringing of their joyful laughter in our ears and with secret looks at each other being thankful to God and each other for making our lives this perfect.

We spoke that we are not going to be perfect. I told him that i'm going to be all cranky in the morning with messy hair and swollen puffy ugly eyes. He who has seen me all sleepy before said that i look cute and adorable. And he said that if he gets mad that it's going to be hard for me. I agreed that i will hug him tight until he calms down, and we were happy.

We figured that in every way we will be okay with each other. I mean just perfect for each other. Well that's all that matters right????

I told him that since i'm short and a bit chubby that i wont look that great, but he calls me pretty.

He is tall and bigger compared to the tiny me and i find it awesome.

He wants to show me off to his friends. Being the most perfect husband so that my friends will be jealous of me. Yet he dreams of being faithful to only me and i smile at the memory and enjoy it.

I dream of all the moods that i might get into. All the fights that we might have.

But i know that we will be totally alright. I know that we will bug each other. I will get bugged and he will act like he gets bugged. I know that we will learn together. we will learn from each other. Me from his extensive Brain Power. He from my Work- Attitude. I know that we will have animated conversations and that we will never run out of things to talk. ...from friends to hobbies..going on to subjects of intense study.

We know that we can always be ourselves with each other. Share a drink. Share a toast for our fulfilled life. And we would always see each other for who we are.

He dreams of buying me stuff. Anything and everything and i know that he will take care of me and that i can trust him.

I dream of being all that he wants me to be. But then again i don't have to change a thing. i am who he dreams of me to be.

Lastly he tells me that he will treat me like a princess. If i was his and i know he will. And i want to be treated like that someday.

With him i know that i will be his equal..intellectually, academically and spiritually. Isn't that what every girl dreams of???

He tells me that he loves me to death and i tell him the same and we both know that it's the honest truth.

And so we wonder together what God was thinking by bringing me 2 years before him and him 2 years after me.

I guess he has better plans for us. But yet we wonder why????
Wouldn't it be perfect???

And so i dream...:)

God Bless...
Smile Always...:D

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Really Random...:)

It's 3am...
and i should be pouring over my books right now...
but i'm really tired...and kinda hate the human lower limbs a bit..

I know that it was my choice to study int this field...
I know..i love the sciences...
i know that i knew that it was not going to be easy...
i know that my mother constantly reminded me of the difficulty in the field...

Well all in all
I'm loving what i'm doing..
And i love the people I've met...people like me...who all share a common interest..
and who like me...have left.. sacrificed a much easier and better life to come here and study what we love..
No pain ..No gain right..

But these exams...
Are like never ending..
We have like credits every-other week..
Quizzes daily...
And not just one Mid term paper as i hoped...
But another one...
And to top it all..semester end exams are coming up in a Month...

See now you know why i am cranky...hehehe...
What i need right now is a nice tub of choco-chip ice-cream and a two hour nap...and get up and bury myself in my books again..
Hope i get up...fingers crossed...if not i'm like totally

Love life and Live Life right...:D
Got soo much plans for my life...:)
Will post about it soon...

Keep Smiling..
God Bless...:)

Friday, May 21, 2010

Aurudu Party..:D

lol..i know that this is like really overdue...But this is one party, that i have to tell you guys about...

As you all know by now we are all trying to celebrate each Birthday/festival together as one family as it is like the only time we get to breath freely and to be ourselves and go crazy....:)

We wanted to celebrate Aurudu on a grand scale...(in our know..low budget student pocket size..)..Frankly because we were soo jealous of our friends and families who constantly reminded us via Skype and Facebook about how well everything is going back at home ...preparations for the festive season...:(in true Sri Lankan style...

It was also a birthday of one of our friends so with the combination...we decided to celebrate it with real mixed style...The Muslim and Tamil girls got together to make Laddu and i headed off to the B day girls apartment to help with the preparations over there.

Three rice cookers with kilo's and kilo's of rice were washed and plugged to make milk rice...

I helped with the cutting of onions.Another girl and i cut around 4 kilo's of HUGE, SMARTING,RUDE onions that made us cry an amazon...sniff... sniff...

We made 3 Huge plates full of Milk rice. A ton of Lunu Miris and Milk toffee..not to forget cutlets and sandwiches..(very western i know...but we have really limited resources...)and finally the Birthday Cake...nope we didn't make that..wanted to..but the Birthday Girl flatly refused to risk it on us..who were all first time cake bakers...:P

After laboring for 3 hours cooking, burning hands..applying toothpaste..crying over onions, slipping and falling..(can you guess who that was....wink..wink..)aching backs and hands...and many comparisons over enhanced biceps..we were finally ready...:)

Ready with a full table of lovely food...
Milk rice and lunu miris.. cutlets and sandwiches..milk toffee and cake..laddu and samosa..
Now doesn't that sound heavenly...:P

The boys arrived equipped with Laptops and a mini sub-woofer system..(that is what i was told it was..) from God knows where and amazing music...

Let the party Begin...:D

Firstly after a drooling funny slow version of "Happy Birthday"..we all dug into the yummy Cake..which had lovely Red jelly bubbles on top and as you can guess everyone wanted a piece with jelly on it...
And i didn't get one...:(

When i sadly exclaimed this around 10 people offered me bites from theirs and i tell you..lucky me...i'm sure i ate the most amount of jelly...:)))))

The cutting and serving of the Milk rice followed..everyone made a ritual to pose for a picture and then feed everyone present with a piece of milk rice exclaiming "Suba Aluth Auruddak Wewa"..Happy New year...

by the time we were planning on serving individual plates we were all

Laddu was heavenly...Samosa Divine...Milktoffee like nectar and to sum it all...everything was perfect...:D

Well then there was a second cake which the boys have brought and suddenly before we know what was happening..i got a slap of icing across my face...and a remarkable cake fight began..:))))
there were people slapping people.. strangling people.tripping them over... just to apply some icing on their
Wasn't it a really messy way to have fun...Just like BOYS...:@..hehehe

After cleaning ourselves and the BIG mess we played a more decent version of "Spin the bottle"...

I being the most responsible and trustworthy..(AHAMMMM)person amongst all..i was fatefully given the responsibility of spinning the bottle.

Mind you i didn't know that Spin the bottle was a very unholy teenage game..:S where you had to go kiss the person who the bottle directed you towards..yuckkkkkkkkkkk..:S when i exclaimed that i have no idea about it..people were like How old are you??12yrs???:S..seriously did you know about it???no right????:)

Then it was play time..who ever got the bottle pointed at them had to to do what the others dared them to do...childish i know...but still it was fun..:) well there followed many embarrassing moments of people imitation each other,licking the floor..eeeeeeewwwww, tickling people into tears..singing of impossibly high pitched songs and i being soo lucky had to give a Georgian kiss to a malli..who went Red in the face starting from the tips of his ears..which was soo sweet yet hilarious..

Then we had music..since my friends place had like a super Huge Hall..we put on loud music..dimmed the lights and put on our dancing shoes..and danced like Mad..:P Many hidden talents were revealed and we all for the first time sweat-ed and was glad and hyper about it...
Door bell rang once..friendly Land lady asking to reduce the volume of the music..We turned it down for like 10 minutes..hehehhe..door bell rings for the second time...asking not to jump on the floor..we were ok with it..Door bell rings for the third time asking to Stop a very angry

Then we had ice-cream mind you it was 1am..and we started singing songs...
Halfway through we realized that we have lectures the next day.And none of us were it was so windy at that time that opening a door was even out of the question...:S

So here we were stranded on New years Morning at our friends place...35 of us....soo we decided to keep on singing till it was time to go...

3am...we were still waiting....The wind was making evil noises but looked like it was finally us...

Now we were all really tired!!!:(..sleepy with milkrice filled tummies... exhausted with dancing and sooo horse with all the singing and shouting...:(

I had Anatomy credits the next day..:(While the others were chatting i pulled out a friends Grey's Anatomy and started reading it...Not because of anything but because i honestly dont want to fall in to my lectures Bad books...she is scaryyyyyyyyyyyy..:(

Then finally at 5am we decided to risk it all and leave. with many sleepy good byes at the auspicious time of 5.10am ...which was when the New Year Dawned ..we all stepped out into the skin-biting wind to go home ..Call Paradise...and have a long chat with our parents, family and loved ones...

Now that's what i call celebrating New Years in a real cultural you???;)

God Bless
Happy Smiles..:)

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Silent Celebration...:D

ok...i have been away for soooo long..
I missed THIS alooooot...
I missed writing...i missed looking forward to following my favoutite blogs and mostly i missed all of your company...:)

All major exams over..some were tough and some tougher than we expected...But i know that i did just fine..:)..yeppiiiii

1 more exam on monday but i couldn't wait that long to unleash all the things i have stored in my tiny brain and put it on digital

So...i'm writing this seated on the stairway to our apartment...enjoying the calm after the storm of lousy exams...and today is LOVELY..because it is Sunshiney and Warm...:D

Well New Discoveries....

There is a Christened "Bo" tree near our apartment.Well not exacly an actual "Bo" tree, but obviously some lookalike tree which we discovered and renamed ...

I am an awesome cook...hehehehe...i have now advanced from cooking macaroni and cheese to cooking delicious chicken, fish, curries, dhal, cabbage, salads, name it and i can find a way to make it edible...;)

Made friends with the Ice Cream Uncle. Who is adorable and in-exchange for being sooo sweet to us we have now become sooo adicted to Ice Cream that we buy almost daily..

Made friends with Puri (Bread) Uncle..who very specificaly told ME that if we girls manage to finish 2 pounds of Bread per meal that we are going to be FAT....sniff..sniff...But still we buy problem is why did he tell ME i really putting on weight???:'(..

Strawberries - Freash, Juicey, Yummy, Lovely strawberries...fresh from the orchards..for which i am now officially in Love with...:D

Speaking of Love..i think i now have a super serious crush on Justin know that it's like major cradle-snatching..but still isn't he just Adorable...(drooools)..:P

Found a Channing Tatum lookalike at Uni..when i was studying in the library.Being nerdy sure does have it's advantageous moments..YEAH...!!!!

Made friends with some Indians and also got to know later that they had other interests in me...ooopsss...sorry boys...that chapter in my life is closed for the moment....

Well now as the Icy cold breeze finally numbs my fingers i realise that i have been staring non-stop at a Geogian boy who is playing football with his dog, for like the past 5 minutes and he is giving Me weird looks...:S

I take this as a sign..pick up my shoes..slip them on...button up my jacket...type the final lines to head back into the apartment...but maybe I would go grab myself a Chocochip Ice Cream celebration of being Back!!!
Cheers to all..;)

Sending my love,
Smile People...
God Bless...:D

p.s. the guy with Dog is HOT when you come to think of

Saturday, May 1, 2010








Saturday, April 17, 2010

Just wanted to say/type this...

Ok…so here I the middle of a very busy week and month…I have Mid –terms…yikessss...just to let you know that realized that I’m fortunate and I’m happy being me..

I am determined not to be unhappy or let the sulky mood engulf me and destroy my little happy life….

I am fortunate for having an awesome family and the most caring bunch of cousins...

The craziest and sweetest friends…

And random people who walk in to my life suddenly and love me to death sometimes for no apparent reason…

All these made me realize that I’m a-one-of-a-kind girl...lucky…sooo lucky…to have such wonderful people around me...

Who have the ability to lift me up each time I fall…who are always there to offer their shoulder for me to cry on…who are so concerned about my happiness…who are also willing to watch me stumble fall and then watch patiently while I struggle myself up the crazy hill…and then pat my back and say…see I told you your one strong girl…

I love attention as any girl but the attention that I crave the most is from the people I admire the most and I’m getting enough..But I would love more…:P

I realized that I can love...i can just love and love…and I think it’s great...

I realized that I can give...and give and give...

And that I have heaps of patience...soo much that some of my friends call me crazy…

And I also realized that some people actually find me interesting and sort of important... ;)

All this with the fact that I’m trying my best to be a good girl, loving daughter, and a super friend make me feel that I’m doing pretty fine in life for nowJ

Sooo good byeee..Tears…Good Byeee were patient teachers who made me learn important lessons in life..may be the hard way..but still you kept me company…helping me grow into a better,stronger,happier and a lovely person…

Big hug to my self…and to all..

Life is life itself..sooo

Smile… :)

God Bless…

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Embracing Loneliness....

So here we have started serious classes again...
Back to books and to top it all off we have mid-terms..:(

Therefore i have sunk into my books with horrific determination and spend long nights nodding away on tons of coffee..:)
These are the times when you actually feel aware of your surroundings and you get to re-collect your thoughts very clearly...

It has been great for me...since i came here...i'm doing well..
I'm crazyyyyy...addicted to fun...but i also keep track of my studies...and is now topping the class...:D

But for the past few days...some things began to dawn on me..things that were before my very eyes which i conveniently ignored...because...
Firstly because of the rush of events happening around me..
Secondly because it was less hurtful to imagine that you misheard things...

Well jealousy is a curse.Since i'm THE crazy person and the less studious(in appearance) my girls have been totally cool with me..but since I've started topping the class now they have grown indifferent towards me and hardly hang-out with me.

These things really..hurt..but i guess it's just life-phases.

My roommate uttered to me the other day that she doesn't want to go anywhere with me alone without the other two because i apparently know too many people and will abandon her.
I'm not an Angry, Rude and mean person like that to do some thing horrible as that...

So lately it's been just me and the books like old times...:)
somethings just turn back to the old routines..

Now instead of happy study sessions - i find myself alone self studying...
Instead of waking up in the mornings together-i find myself still forgotten and when i inquire about it...i get excuses as i apparently slept late and all...
I also find myself walking alone to various activities in uni - instead of the happy quartet...

Not that it stops me from doing what i want to do...:)
The thought just lingers in there you know...and surfaces in moments like now..when all my roomies drop out of going on a tour because one other set of girls are not coming and don't even tell me...

I guess since i mixed around with the Colombo crowd a bit more than the other girls (the Colombo crowed are a bunch of happy malli's) they feel alienated...It's hard to be different..and i know that...i feel the same...but i'm trying...

Also i think i'm going to break the heart of some special person..i just cant pretend...i have lost the spark after what happened...and he deserves to know that....:'(

But it's ok...i'm going to be alright..
I just want to be alone for a while...or may be can be the best medicine right now..

I'm just going to embrace loneliness with Joy, Pride and Dignity as a changing phase of life...:)

To happier times to come!!!
God Bless...

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

It's Party Time!!!

welcome back...

So here i was running back home after church..with around 5 boys carrying mega bottles..two huge cakes...buns and candles....
Halfway through i call home to find out that everyone is ready..

we run faster..i can hear the poor boys cursing away.:)..i dash to our building..i hear the noise and the raket the 50 invitees our making inside our tiny 2 bedroom apartment...Omg..i can hear them scream 3 floors above to almost the entrance..
How am i going to make them shoosh..
and i can see them standing against the windows and sight are supposed to act as if they are not at home..

But then again..
50 Boys and Girls cant keep their mouths shut i guess..

I enter the apartment breathless with the boys trailing behind me.
they leave the stuff in the kitchen and go join their friends...

SG, CP and i begin setting up the food table...our catholic mallis come help stick candles on the cakes and then..they sit down comfortably in the kitchen and eat burgers in the name of being helpful...ughhhhhh..BOYS....

Then i shoosh the crowed and call my friend who has been babysitting SL to bring her home....
then i call SL and tell her that we just got home..and that we are too tired to come if she wouldn't mind coming home with our other friends and that they can stay over for dinner at our place...
she agrees...

And then comes the really hard part of making the people quiet..
we dump the boys into the hall..and the girls in to our bedroom so that it wont be crowded...
and i tell them to please keep quiet as the Birthday Girl is on the works for like 10secs..before they fall into loud chatter again..:((((

i leave them alone..send a boy to control them..
then suddenly the whole house goes quiet and i got nervous..went to check on the door to find the boys doing a sweet right???

then the door bell ring...
i quietly open the door with nervous smiles to find another one of our friends at the door step.. can kill the boy....expect them to give you mild heart attacks..

we resume cooking...
And the noise gets louder..
I walk into the hall ask them to keep it down ...
goes to cook...
still shouting...walks back into the hall..
begs to be works...they stay quiet...
but not for long....
i get really MAD...i walk in again..this time armed with a butter knife..(lol..i didn't mean to take it...hehehehe..)threaten the boys..
they freak out....and also feels sorry for me...
then i get a call from my friend saying that they are almost here..
i tell the boys...
move them away from the windows..
switch off the unwanted lights..
and wait patiently...
SG is giggling nervously..
CP is pacing nervously.. really excited...

then rings the door bell...i look from the peephole...then figure out that everyones coats are hanging on our rack..
and then hurriedly stack them away in a nearby empty a close shave...

I open the door...
invite her in..make small talk about church and all and casually lead her to the hall...and Open the door.........


SURPRISE!!!yells 53 voices in union...followed by the most loudest version of Happy Birthday to you....
also Followed by the grand entrance of the HUGE double birthday cake..all lit and looking niceeeeeee...

Camera's flash....
People are laughing.....teasing and grabbing at SL...

Meanwhile SL is in a state of shock..and just keeps on smiling in the most maniac
it was simply awesome..all went according to plan...yeppi..we were happy....

Happy in our hearts..happy in our heads..
happy in everything..

Then came the cutting of the cake...with another round of happy birthday..sung at the top of our lungs...

Watching from my corner...i see many things...
I see pure Joy radiating from SL's face as she is about to make a wish before blowing the candles...
I see our friends happy..enjoying each others company....
I see SG and CP holding hands happily savoring the success of our plan...
I see people Happy...Happy as we are meant to be..enjoying simple blessings in life..which we often forget..
The company of our loved ones..the celebration of Human Lives...and the existence of Love in the world..

Then after the cake is cut i get dragged into the live version of life....
Cake has to be cut...and SL goes around the whole room feeding everyone cake...

I take the responsibility of cutting the cake and the others serve it around..
the people start the chatter...

and we all join in the fun..chattering bugging each other...
And guess what...
The food disapeared..60 Hot Dogs and 75 Burgers...!!!!:D

Then the boys wanted to we decided to take them outside to the adjoining Basketball/Football court for them to shout since it was nearly 10pm...

we sent SL to our neighbors with Birthday Cake and she got a gift from one of them..nice right??
well it was an unmentionable gift..!!!!lol..want to take a gift..SL quickly grabbed it and ran into the room to deposit it safely..and guess who she meets on the way..
A parade of boys..who...since they cannot stand being curious..grabbed it from SL's hand..we went to her rescue..CP got hold of it..and stood on top of it...
Three boys were on the floor tugging at it...SG was tugging at it from another end..and i was tugging the T-shirts of the boys..but alas!!!..the mightier boys won and they happily passed it inspection..and there was SL surrounded by all twisting in embarrassment...LOL..

count on your neighbors to be nice people

Then we all locked the door to go to the court and into the chilly nights in our coats...

By the time CP and i joined the gang a baila session was in full swing...
after getting bored of that we opted to play..mind you it's around 11pm...

We agreed on playing Ice and water..awesome game...the teams were Girls Vs. Boys..

We got the chance to take all our revenge on the Boys...we slapped them..hit them...dragged them...Dropped them.. threatened them...fell with them..knocked on them..somersaulted..and ran around the court like mad women,,,,,it was fun..

Yours truly was the first to fall...hehehehe
I was chasing a boy to Ice him(freeze)and another boy came right at me from another direction.. knocked on him..!!!!and i went flying and fell on my back flat on the ground!!lol...hehehehehe.. embarrassing is not the word..especially when the said boy is standing unharmed..and the whole court goes quiet wondering if i'm dead or alive..i get up...cheering goes up..and we run again..

We seemed to take ages to freeze the boys..
but we all get frozen in a matter of minutes...

We knew the secret..THE BOYS CHEATED..
even after we freeze them they run..helllooooooo..cheaters...

Many fell...many boys were complaining that the girls slap hard...

one boy complained saying that a girl hit him so hard that he is sure his sternal bone is
another boy got all his buttons ripped off the whole shirt by another girl..
I myself was guilty of ripping the sleeve off another boys shirt..oopppssss..well accidents do happen right???

well all in the name of fun right,,,,
and we had an awesome time..

Then we played Kabadi...started off well..then the game got rough when the boys had to go after the we gave up...

almost 1am...i guess our noise was too much..there were people near the basketball was talking on a phone...ooops...were we going to get arrested...nnnooooooooo:(
One of the seniors who could speak the language came and told us that the person is calling someone..about some kids who are playing and who he thinks are immigrants...HEELLOOOOO

we are Students...Like University Students!!!

And our senior went up to him..spoke to him..apparently one of our neighbors is the minister of sports..coooool...right he was the one who was speaking on the phone...he was delighted to know that we knew the language and our seniors beautifully handled the situation....they even got to know that the minister was an alumni of our university and guess what..few minutes after chatting with him..
he brings us Footballs...AT 1 AM..and says go ahead enjoy!!!

This obviously excites the boys...and they opted to play a game of football...while we where happily cheering them on...

Then back to Ice and Water...3AM..oops...time to go home and we are all really beat-up...
then we send off the girls with boys to drop them off...

Then the people who lived nearby our place stayed back sing more slow soft songs in the chilly night under a dusting of stars and a beautiful moon....

It was truly heavenly to just lay back on the dirty ground..with no-care in the world and just sing and sing and sing.....thinking long but wonderful thoughts about...

it was certainly a day to remember...
a day that was more perfect than we could possibly have hoped for...
so perfect that it would certainly have been one of the days snatched from the time of Eden..

Except that the gala event ended with all of us singing nursery rhymes..from "twinkle twinkle little star" "put your right hand in..put your right hand out...and shaking our butts around to the hokey pokey"

Happy smiles...
dont you just love being Kids...

God Bless..:)

Monday, April 5, 2010

The Day - episode 2


Finally after believing that all things had been done...we went about the day check listing all the things we should have done and have to do before the party....
you can find me staring into the blank computer screen and event planning...CP distractingly writing lists instead of copying her notes...and SG...downloading songs off youtube to play at the party...

The last day all food was bought....and stocked at a friends apartment...The boys went and brought the two cakes in the metro...God knows how...:) and we were happy..because everything was ready..but then we realize that the people... especially the girls have not yet confirmed...and i giddily stood near the phone all evening before the party...:S

Then the boys rang me up and said that all the girls consented in coming and not to worry as they will all drop them home in the night...sooo we started breathing normally...(tried..;)>>)

Then one of the boys called and said that there might be a problem with the Muslims as we forgot to see if the food was halal...SHOOOT...and then we were rushing about trying to figure out if the sausages and burgher buns were halal..and figured that they were not...and we opted to arrange something else for them...but one of our friends said..just dont say anything..if they ask just ignore..hehehehe..omg...we are soo going to hell..:(
but i hope God will understand..:(

Then there were the vegetarians..and SG said she would prepare chopsuey for them...and mind you she exclaimed this in front of the to-be-b-day girl and she was like...why are you making chopsuey for so and so...and we said that since they are vegi people they are having a hard time eating only salads and that we are going to do them a another lie...and i believe by this time Satan would have started constructing us a separate level in hell..:P

Then we figured that we did not have anything to distract her with at midnight when we wish her...therefore as soon as she went off for a nap...SG and CP left me to baby-sit her and ran to buy chocolates...
Then after they return SG being the most creative out of us...busies herself with the construction of a card and CP and i leave the house to tell our neighbors that we are having a dinner for some of our friends the next evening...

Hehehe...we told our neighbor from below...and luckily the daughter of the family understood English and translated for the dumbfounded parents who smiled and nodded their approval...thank God..One down..Two more to go...

The next neighbor and the husband didn't understand a word of English..
and it is essential that they know because they live on the opposite flat from ours...and with great difficulty we tried our best to explain and finally gave up..
the woman felt sooo sorry for us and then called the neighbor who lives on top of us and thankfully she understood a little English..
She still didn't know the word "Friend"..and i had to tell her that it was my b day and that people were coming for dinner...she understood merrily explained that Georgians are very hospitable and that not to worry that they are fine with it all...and we were happy...:D

And mind you this whole conversation took place opposite our doorstep..and when we rang the bell back to the apartment can you guess who opened the door for us...

and she wanted to know what the commotion was outside...
i said the first thing that came to my mind..i told her that one of our neighbors who have not seen us often thought that we were baggers and stated questioning us..and the other neighbor came to rescue if that is likely to still thats all i could utter while CP gave me the most Panic-look i have ever seen...phew..she was too sleepy to argue and just believed us...
And as i enter SG calls out..did you get the flour...????lol...hehe that was the excuse she gave SL..for our funny thing is we went and brought flour the day before...hahahaha...Thankfully..that didn't register on SL's mind either..she gave us a sleepy smile and went for a wash...

hehehehe..and then we were too agitated to even whisper and we bursted out laughing at our close SL was yelling at us from the bathroom asking what the joke was and we lied again for sure..i just cant remember what i many lies to remember..

then we all went to 11.30pm SG walks out to her room followed by CP and i'm left alone with SL...clueless...and then the very Smart me sent a sms to SG asking whats happening and she has left the phone on the study table and beeps loudly right under my hastily snatched her phone before SL can see my name on her screen and ran off to give her the find them wrapping the chocolates...
i left them and came back and resumed my work...:)
midnight still the two didn't come...SL goes on fb and says ...OMG..people remembered my b day!!!!and i'm like ....acting like i'm deaf because i cant wish her without the others right..i felt like hiding underneath a coconut shell...

then finally they arrive at 12.45am....on the b day..and we tell her that since we are broke it's a tiny gift..
gave her the card..
sang happy birthday embarrassingly...and then...put music..
and danced in our pajama's till

hehehe...funky right...and took loads of crazy pictures..:)...

And went to bed dog-tired...
got up on birthday morning...
Made kiribath...which was a bit like with katta sambol...which was great!!!

then set about arranging the house in the most unsuspecting manner..
one went for a bath and washed the toilet..
one made all the beds in the rooms...
i set about collecting everyones books and storing them away...
and then i logged on fb...
suddenly SL laughs and says that one of the girls are asking her if she should come at 8 or 7.45 tonight...on fb..
i go scream(type in full capitals) the girl and tell her to keep her mouth shut..apparently she forgot the "Surprise" part of the birthday invisible sweat)...

And then we set off to watch another Match...
then we told SG to stay at home to further clean it up...and she expertly faked a cold and took vitamin c..hehehehe...
Then we toook SL under our wing and set off...we told SL that since it's Thursday we have to go to church..and after the match we planned to send her off to another friends apartment.. because we might get late to come home..

Match went well...Another victory fro the proud Lankans...:)

and after the match we told her that we are going to church and she wanted to come...with us...after making more excuses we sent her off...and me and CP set off to are other friends place to start cooking...

Then call from mother...asking to go to church..
i dress...start peeling onions and...boys come..resume cutting of onions..starts i leave..
SG comes takes command with CP in the kitchen with a troupe of boys and girls to help...

We rush back from church..with the cake and drinks...and lots of more buns...
Hurries....pickup people on the way...It's 8.00pm..
It's LATE...

Makes phone calls....gets the people to our apartment..and hurries..there..

Tune in again...for Episode 3..:D

God Bless...
Happy Smiles...

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Pre Surprise party!!! episode 1

Ok..sooo i'm going to update you all on how my big surprise party for SL, my everloving Rommie went...
too much details sooo here goes the 1st episode...

Well it is Really hard to organize a surprise birthday party for you roommtae...especially when she sleeps right across the room from you...shares the same kitchen...same bathroom...same living room...same study room..and Same classes at uni...ungh..hehehe

But yet..i was determined to make this happen..frankly because she is one of those people with an extra-ordinarily big heart...and also because she puts up with me...:)

well it started as a master plan from me...we wanted to throw an afternoon tea party for her...One easy thing was that she was the only Buddhist in our apartment and had to spend long Sunday mornings alone while we wen to church..and these were the times when the master planning took place...

And your's truly wanted to invite almost all the Sri lankans we knew over here...sometimes being away from home and from the people you always felt safe with can drain the life out of yours truly wanted to make it a special day for all...especially for SL...

and we started off...figured that our tiny pockets were not enough to feed a bunch of VERY hungry students and we set about asking everyone to contribute...willingly only...and made sure that everyone knew that it was a surprise

well smaties as our batch-mates can know they find the most suitable times time to come and toss money at you with weird know like right in front of SL's face..and she's like why is he/she giving you money..and as panicking as CP can get..she goes speechless..i have to mutter something and distract giving fake excuses saying that that certain boy has a crush on CP and gave her a note or lame right...)but it worked...

And then there was all the Sunday shopping we had to do...right after church..telling SL that since it's like the lent-season..there are loads of special stuff happening..then with the help of two malli's we went her a gift...after making the boys cry out loud and exclaiming that they would never go shopping with on we have to be kinda choosy and go for the best right...ironically it was them who found the perfect gift for SL..:D..guys have their lucky moments..

Then it was ordering the a bakery...Two huge cakes to feed 50 hungry-suger-loving mouths...the bakers was Georgian speaking...:(and we spent a whole hour sigh-languaging and point make them understand our requirement...but finally we succeeded...with crossed fingers...:)

Then the menu...nothing fancy just hot-dogs, burgers,(home-made), biscuits, chocolate and Date tarts...and lots of pepsi,lemon miranda and apple soda...

shopping for sausages, burger fillings, tomatoes, onions, biscuits lead us back to wagsal...and SG,CP and we were accompanied by the two catholic malli's to wagsal..
we entered the chocolate area..and came across one stall which had good stuff...
Let me tell you that i'm into the tiny a height of only 5 feet and No inches(Big sigh) and the malli's were a thundering 6 feet..and as we were gaily chatting while choosing the chocs...the stall owner..(a woman) came up to us and asked in intelligible Georgian..if we were in girlfriend and boyfriend... embarrassed i instantly answered "Araa"(No in Georgian to the amused smiles of the rest of the Paradise clan)...then she asked if we were MARRIED!!!omg...hehehe...i freaked out like majorly..then the other malli came for my rescue..then the woman approached our 6 footer and smiled...FED him a chocolate...eeeeeeeeeeewwwwwww..and another woman in another stall came up to him and showed the stall owner and gave a thumbs up...i freaked out and ran to the next stall while the boys enjoyed the hospitality..yucky....the woman must be around 40yrs...and then she asked if the two Boys were Gay..:S...and was happy to realize they were not...and then later SG, CP and i found ourselves dragging the boys out of that stall....and bursting out laughing..:D

then there was all those fake masses which CP and i went for in the form of shopping for buns..Omg...lieing during lent was going to make me end up my own special kind of a hell..:)..i comforted my self saying that it was all for a good cause..:P

Then there was all the times when we use to have cryptic phone convo's with other students...and asking them to come explain the situations...
the secret meetings in the kitchen and living room when SL has gone to take a wash or sleeping..
The horrible slip-ups by SG and CP who got horrendous stares and kicking from me...hehe..

Finally SL thinking we are cornering her and being sad the whole day before the actual event...and CP comforting us saying..just one=more day and she will be happy...:)

The cricket-matches we went which all the boys surrounded me...bugged me..(acted like it)to get more info....

And finally a cricket match falling on the very day evening..:(
what too do..we cannot shift it to a morning as no-one would get it was scheduled to begin at 8PM..after match and Thursday mass..:(
Thanks to the boys who dealt and took responsibility in dropping all the girls home was planned..after much heated arguments between all of us...

to be continued!!!

God Bless..

Monday, March 29, 2010

"Goo Kapan...////..."

Ok..well as for relaxing during the holidays went for a six when the match season stated in Uni..

well it's definitely nothing posh..but a real humble series played for honor and sportsmanship...

the matches were organized to be held in the old rundown double outdoor basketball court in the uni..and was told that every batch can have a team..

The First years..had a team...initially it was to be purely Sri Lankan..and then later since we also had a couple of Sri Lankanized indians who were supporting was a mixed team..

basically the matches were supposed to be between Indians and Sri lankans of all 6 or 5 years...

the most unfair part for us was that there were no girls in any team so we were left out to be the honorable cheerleaders..:(

but still we took our role quiet seriously...because after been away from home for just over a a football land..where cricket was played rarely just for exhibitions sake..and when all of us missed the beloved big match season and are streaming the IPL through youtube..we were very

so the first match was between first year Indians and Sri Lankans+2 Indians..

The match started with the Indian batting for us...did you know he played for Rajestan Royals last IPL..omg wasn't he good..he like made a 56 in like i dont know 10 was a great match...

and us the girls all came wearing the same color..with lots of coordination and cheered our beautiful voices out for the boys....
in here we were introduced to our beloved cheer..."Goo kapan.." none of the girls consented to cheering that way..and our contribution went as...screeching at the top of our lungs when an Indian was about to take a catch and scaring them and exciting them away so that they dropped the catches..and trust me it worked..and also screaming not out and pressuring the can they say no to a bunch of really pretty cute girls trust me..our magic worked and WE WON..

One DOWN..many more to go..

The next day was our team Vs. Indian 3rd year...

Omg weren't they good..and our Rajestan player got out during the first over and it was up to pure Sri Lankan blood to save the day..and weren't they amazing i admit that it was a rough and a nail biting...chest burning..blood boiling game...but still the Boys if their lives depended on it..

Lots of bad callings..lots of unfair judgements...but we didn't give up..the lions roared through..
and us the girls never let the spirit die..we kept on the cheer..encouraged our boys..and kept the Sri Lankaness alive...never did we waiver under the rude stares from the Indian Supporters or their own dirty rhymes..we stood straight and cheered on...

When we scarped into a 140 at the end of the 15 overs as opposed to the 194 the previous day the boys were so geared up to field their life away...

And didn't they do well..amazing swiftness..dedication and the determination they had in their minds showed to all spectators that we were not a batch to be messed around with..

And we cheered as never before..cheered the boys on..even consenting to go rip the head off the Umpires for their unfairness..and
we came up with our own cheer as opposed to the boys "Goo Kapan" which i say is an amazing rhyme..which never leaves your head..we sang.."Mutaa Gahanna Baa...///" in our tired voices..hearing us sing..the boys were smiling...and they were given inspiration and the extra push needed..

Last over...
15 runs off 6 balls...
we were in tippi-toes...
but we never stopped cheering...

i tell you hearing us cheer in one voice "Mutaa gahanna baa"really put down the spirit of the final batsman...and made him excited..even thought we were cheering against a bunch of around 25 Indian Boys..we still went on..

Two straight sixes...
and we were loosing hope...

A free hit and we knew it was closer to the time where we get on our knees and starts praying..
But the last balls were simply miraculous...
and we WON..with a margin of just two runs..

jumping around the benches and ground..we all celebrated not just the team but the whole batch...
we all felt the bond of True comradeship...True passion for sport and True friendship...

We realized..girls or boys...Sri Lankans or or just a well-wisher...
We are one batch and one family and that we need everyones support to succeed...

Important lessons learnt with the building of one strong bond between all of us..

all this from just a few matches!!amazing...

Love life..and learn...
God Bless..

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Just Relax..:)

ok...sooo Finally Easter holidays!!!yeppi and here i am writing a post when i should be cuddled under my beloved quilt and snooring my life away...because it's am Insane...:)

But since i'm so used to sleeping late i'm waiting up to write some notes...and Relax...relax from the utter rush of a students life...rush of work..rush of shopping...rush of get it don't you...

Now it's spring here and the funny thing is i found my self sweating at 22 Celsius and missing the skin biting people adapt right!!!:)
Well that means that it is finally time for me to wrap away and store those horrible thermals and winter wear and take out my summer cloths and flipflops..yeppi...gosh i'm honestly sick of sneakers...

today after rushing from one bank to another paying bills and rent...jeez it was exhausting since all the bills come in Georgian and we had to find people who speak English right...we got home..and was so Hungry plus too lazy to cook that we bought a Pound of bread to eat with left over Potato curry and chili paste...(i love bread and chili paste..)and do you know what???I ATE 5 SLICES...i record for me..and i'm worried..i have been eating way to much this winter..UGHHHHH..that's the bad part about this can eat..and eat...and eat and never we four gals for the first time ate one and a half pounds of bread!!!I'm anyway a bit (not a my friends say..they are just too kind..)chubby so i seriously need to watch out my weight..and do you know what when i got up in the morning..i over heard SL and CP discussing to add ENSURE and SUSTAGEN to my morning milk if i reduce the amount of food i consume..they are worried i know..but so am i'm going to relax next time...and just make my own

And Turkish food can be amazing if you know what to order...after church of our friends took us out for a very early dinner at a Turkish restaurant!!and the brinjal curry was amazing...Now that's what i call chillaxing and relaxing...well as you can imagine..i was the bite of the day!!! always happens..i always...always./..always..gets bugged..and i'm yet to find the reason for such

Can you let me know your theories...

Sooo anyway 10 days worth of holidays are here...
so theres a surprise Birthday Party to organize which we are going to throw for our roomie..SL...(very excited)

and also there s the First Cricket Match of the season in Uni..between the Sri Lankan Students and Indian Students...TODAY..:)

Cant wait for it....:)..GO SRI LANKA..!!!!fingers crossed...
shoot...this is the time you really need a Sri Lankan flag..cant believe i forgot one..:(

anyways me off to relax in peace..with midterms creeping up on me once the holidays are over...yikesssss...

Breath Everyone..and don't forget to just ..RELAX...
Happy Smiles..