Friday, July 12, 2013

Going Home...for summer...

Well usually when you say your going home for summer holidays you get really excited...

This time for me i was more excited about the Holiday part of it than the whole Home part of it...???

Is it because all of my friends are scattered around the Globe making a name for themselves while i'm still in Med School??

Is it because all my favorite Cousins are settled out of the country and i'm left with all the Aunts..

Is it because i have to go visit my married/married and pregnant/married with kids...friends...and all my engaged friends and have to answer the horrifying questions of.."So what about you??? anyone special in your life???" and you go blank and say No...because the guy your dating is two freaking years younger to you and his parents will never allow it..

Is it because of all the corruption and stories of misfortune you hear as news from home each time you get on Skype with your mum..

Is it my own fear of proposals...

Or is this the way my Brain is, innately telling me that its time i get my life back together...and stop acting like a School girl and try to enjoy my Holidays and try to find myself a Home...

Some place i want to be..find something i love to do and work to achieve it..and to call it my OWN???

im gonna start prepping for i think im getting there...:)

I need to feel excited about going home...but i will always be excited to see my matter how long i have been away or where i went...

Love you to pieces are where my home and heart is...

God Bless all..
Hugs and kisses...

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